ALA Unit 281 Delivers for Veterans!

The Veterans of Veterans House desired new flags to replace the worn flags that were currently flying in front of their house. ALA Unit 281 members delivered new flags, along with home-baked treats. We even saw the TV we gave them for Christmas.

ALA Unit 281 actively supports Veterans in many ways.

ALA Unit 281 played Santa for Veterans House residents with a Christmas gift of a large screen TV.

  • We have gone to the the VA hospital in Long Beach twice per month to conduct bingo games, provide prizes and pizza, and to socialize with the Veterans living there.

  • We hosted a baby shower for female Veteran expectant mothers.

  • We played “Santa” for the Veterans of Veterans Outreach OC by purchasing a big screen TV for the residents to enjoy their favorite sports events and other shows.

  • A portion of our annual budget is specifically allocated for Veteran Support.

Some of the items donated to the Baby Shower for Veteran expectant mothers.